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时间:2023-04-15 07:37:09 来源:www.zhengxing6.com 作者:珍美网 浏览量:5747

Shanghai Plastic Surgery Hospital Dr. Liu Dan is a well-known cosmetic surgeon in China. In this article, we will discuss the experiences and skills of Dr. Liu Dan.

Education and Training

Dr. Liu Dan graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a medical degree in 1989. After his graduation, he worked as an intern in a plastic surgery center in Shanghai for two years. Later on, he went to France for advanced training in plastic surgery. He worked in a Parisian plastic surgery center for five years, during which he was trained by some of the most experienced plastic surgeons in Europe.

Professional Experience

After his training in France, Dr. Liu Dan returned to China and started practicing in Shanghai Plastic Surgery Hospital. Since then, he has performed thousands of cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Liu Dan specializes in facelifts, breast augmentation, liposuction, and other cosmetic procedures. He has a reputation for providing natural and beautiful results.

Patient Care

Dr. Liu Dan is known for his caring and attentive manner when dealing with his patients. He takes the time to listen to their concerns and thoroughly explain the procedure that they are planning to undergo. Dr. Liu Dan believes that it is essential to make sure that his patients understand every aspect of their surgery so that they can make informed decisions.


Dr. Liu Dan is always striving to provide his patients with the most advanced and least invasive techniques. He spends much of his time attending international conferences and workshops to learn about the latest trends in plastic surgery. Dr. Liu Dan is also a pioneer in combining traditional Chinese medicine and plastic surgery to promote patient healing.

In conclusion, Dr. Liu Dan is an accomplished and respected cosmetic surgeon who has been practicing for many years. His advanced training, professional experience, patient care, and continuous innovation make him one of the top cosmetic surgeons in China. If you are considering plastic surgery, Dr. Liu Dan and the Shanghai Plastic Surgery Hospital are excellent choices.